$269.00 USD

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We appreciate your dedication to your health journey through the Confiently Balance Your Minerals Course! To enhance your holistic wellness experience, we're excited to offer you our exclusive Ultimate Nutrition Guide Bundle for an extra $7.77!

This incredible bundle includes:

  1. Favorite Grocery Brands Guide: Navigate the aisles with ease, knowing the best brands for your health-conscious choices.

  2. Dining Out Guide: Enjoy meals outside while making mindful, nourishing choices. Discover restaurant options aligned with your well-being goals.

  3. Great Reference Around Nutrition: A comprehensive reference guide providing valuable insights into nutrition principles, food combinations, and more.

To seize this opportunity and elevate your wellness journey, click add on to unlock the Ultimate Nutrition Guide Bundle!

*No refund policy.

Confidently Balance Your Minerals

Here's what's included:

  1. Simple audio/video lessons for easy understanding.
  2. Comprehensive recipe guides for promoting mineral balance.
  3. 20+ informative guides, including step-by-step instructions for homemade bone broth, gelatin gummies, supplement guidance, and workbooks to support your mineral blueprint.


  • HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) to pinpoint your unique mineral needs.
  • Personalized protocol for natural mineral balance.
  • Access to professional-grade supplements at a discounted rate.

Join now to unlock your personalized protocol and promote holistic wellness!

 *No refund policy.

What People Are Saying:

"Struggling to recover post-surgery, I turned to the HTMA test. Results shocked me! Excessive calcium from meds, heavy metal toxicity, sluggish thyroid – all revealed. With HTMA's simple protocols, energy's soaring, and I feel like myself again!"

Pam L