Hit the Reset Button With a Juice Cleanse


Toxins are in
the water we drink ~ the food we eat ~ the personal care products we may be using ~ and EVEN the air we breathe!

Then add
hectic lifestyles ~ sleep deprivation ~ and all of every life stress

It's no wonder that our body needs to detoxify regularly.

This is where a juice cleanse comes in. Drinking juice alone will not do the trick.

It is important to have a coach to guide and support you.


I've seen so many miss the mark

because there are
important best practices ~ preparation guidelines ~ proper juice ingredients ~ and ways to break the cleanse
that so many leave out of the equation

and end up...
experiencing fatigue ~ bad side effects ~ quitting altogether~ or being unsatisfied with the result.

An effective cleanse is more than just slugging back juices. It’s also important to choose the right juice company and know what you are truly getting from them.

That's why I've done all of the extensive research not only on the process, and the protocols but also on the juice companies.  And I've helped hundreds of women just like you through a successful, rejuvenating experience...

Are you next?!


Join hundreds of women, just like you!

How it works

Coach Dee’s recommended juice cleanse is a short 3 days.
You can try fewer days or go up to 5 days.

The program cuts out food intake while consuming only fresh, cold-pressed, organic juice.
The goal is not to starve the body but infuse it with nutrient-dense, enzyme-rich raw juice.

Since the juices have minimal amounts of fiber, they’re easily assimilated which gives the digestive system a break.

This enables the body to reset and carry out deeper detoxification and healing with minimal digestive effort.


The Benefits

Most people report improved mental clarity, weight loss on average 5-7 lbs, and some even up to 15 lbs!

  • increased energy levels
  • better sleep
  • clearer skin
  • mental clarity
  • improved eating habits
  • reset of the palate that reduces cravings

and an excitement to continue with healthy habits long term.

Since no two people are alike, results will vary. Many continue drinking at least one juice per day as part of a healthy LIFE (and because they are delicious).

Support and community is key


All of our CLY programs include the element of support and community so that you have a group of like-minded, fun, upbeat women going through it with you!

Your 3-Day Cleanse Facebook Group access provides a safe sounding board for your questions, ideas, and encouragement all facilitated by Coach Dee.  

Community ~ Support ~ Encouragement ~ Inspiration just for you! 

And...once you're in, you're in!  A place for you to continue your journey as you develop companionship and friendships with like-minded women just like you!


Let's Talk Confidence

Hi, I'm Dee,

I have been in all stages of the fitness game. Step aerobics and classes, cardio queen, weight training with the “guys”, yoga queen after a car accident.

I’ve been living a healthy lifestyle consistently for nearly 10 years and during that time I have refined my fitness strategy to provide the best results, but more importantly, to do so while having fun! 


I've created this simple 3-Day Cleanse with all of the important steps and a support group to help you feel energetic, enthusiastic, and CONFIDENTLY LOVE YOURSELF!


I love seeing and hearing the countless stories of transformation both mentally and physically when exercise and healthy eating habits are incorporated.


I can't wait to hear yours!


Hear From Program Participants


Feeling soooo amazing!!! ♥️

“15 lb of bloat gone and more energy than I’ve had in a very long time!”


- Robyn C.


" I feel more energetic...and my join pain is gone!"


- Liz Y.

3-Day Cleanse Complete!

" The juices were delicious and no hunger at all! The set I had was 8/day so between drinking them and the water there was no time to be hungry. The best part is I lost EIGHT POUNDS😱 After the headache subsided on the 2nd day my coffee craving went with it. Keep going if you’re in the middle of yours! It’s so worth it✔️ Excited to continue with healthy choices as I ease back into food and use this as the jump start I was looking for."


- Jackie B.

I didn't feel hungry at all! I was actually having a hard time even getting all the juices in.

" I released a few pounds but a lot of inches! I think I was very bloated before. I have way less anxiety - more of a constant inner calm now. I am more present and way more focused. I am not craving crap food - just healthy whole food. I survived no caffeine for 3 days. I fell asleep much faster. "


- Erin B.

Thank You For Adding The Community!

" The support and accountability are definitely what got me through it!"


- Kerry L.


Is the 3-Day Cleanse right for you?

3-Day Cleanse Program

Just $47

All the tools and support you need for success!

With your one-time investment of just $47, you will receive all of the coaching, guidance and support from Coach Dee.

  • detailed pre & post-cleanse protocols for maximum results
  • access to a private Facebook Group for support and encouragement
  • discounts on your juice order
  • a new group of friends and community of like minded women just like you

The juices range from *$54 a day to *$59. *Price will depend on your location.

As a CLY client, you’ll be receiving an inside deal on your juices! You’ll also receive future discounts!

You deserve the opportunity to reset your body!

Ready to hit the reset button?

Join the CLY Cleanse Group and Get Your Next Steps


  • increased energy levels
  • better sleep
  • clearer skin
  • mental clarity
  • improved eating habits
  • reset your palate which reduces cravings
  • and an excitement to continue with healthy habits long-term!


Get back to your feeling like yourself again...or maybe even better!


Experience this incredible reset of your
health & lifestyle. 


Still have questions? Email Coach Dee at [email protected]

11 Ways to Detoxify & Cleanse Your Body

Learn the simple ways that your body detoxifies and how you can help this process daily.