My Favorite Tools for Confidently Loving

health, home, and family.

My Favorite Tools for
Confidently Loving

health, home, and family.


Juice Plus is a great way to incorporate fruit without the sugar, insure 7 servings of veggies via capsule and increase omegas which promote cognitive and cardiovascular health.


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NutriDyn provides quality vitamins and supplements.  

I continue to take health classes to benefit you all and learn about NutriDyn’s offerings.  

My recommendation is that everyone starts with essential multi-vitamin, vitamin D, and a probiotic.  

Please consult your doctor if you are on medications or have concerns.  I am not a physician and am only recommending based on my experience.  By ordering, you are taking responsibility for any liability due to taking the products recommended.
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Proganics is a quality meal replacement, added greens and protein shake.  I recommend organic plant options and greens.

These products are sustainably grown and sourced, free of toxic chemicals, and farmed in a way we are meant to be farming.  Certified organic for the best quality products you and your family can consume.  

The discount code as a CLY member is always the current 2 digit month and the year following DEETOX.  Example DEETOX0122

I have trusted Berkey for years and highly recommend their products.  From drinking water to bathing water.  We are exposed to many harmful chemicals in our everyday water.  It is important to reduce those chemicals when possible. 


My toxin free personal care/cleaning product story begins with my infertility journey.  Every day we are being exposed to thousands of harmful ingredients in mainstream products.  There is little to no regulation surrounding those products.  Our skin is a carrier NOT a barrier.  With the rise in cancer, autoimmune diseases, infertility, diabetes and other devastating illnesses it is imperative we ditch and switch. Many chemicals in these products disrupt our metabolism too.


Pure Haven offers a full line of 100% toxin free products that work amazingly well. 

As a CLY member, you receive a 15% discount on Pure Haven products.  Please reach to receive that perk!

One thing I hear often is I love my wine!

If you must, please choose clean crafted wine. 

When you purchase Scout & Cellar you can be confident there are no harmful chemicals in it.  Scout & Cellar offers many low sugar options which are Coach Dee approved.


My absolute favorite place to shop online!  
Daily New Arrivals from dresses and tops to sweaters and cardigans to must-have denim, you’ll fall in love with something new every day from Closet Candy. Trendy women’s boutique clothing has never looked better at envy-worthy prices.


Let's Talk Confidence

Hi, I'm Dee,

I have been in all stages of the fitness game. Step aerobics and classes, cardio queen, weight training with the “guys”, yoga queen after a car accident.

I’ve been living a healthy lifestyle consistently for nearly 10 years and during that time I have refined my fitness strategy to provide the best results, but more importantly, to do so while having fun! 


Now, I've written it all out, created simple guidelines, and share my routines with women who want to feel confident and love their bodies!


I love seeing and hearing the countless stories of transformation both mentally and physically when exercise and healthy eating habits are incorporated.


I can't wait to hear yours!

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