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How to avoid the holiday weight gain and still be jolly!

Avoid Weight Gain At The Holidays

1. Start the day with a balanced first meal

Nourishing your body well in the morning with a balanced magic plate can mean you’re more likely to stay on track for the rest of the day.

Opt for higher protein options, to keep you fuller for longer. Some good examples include:

  • Scrambled eggs, mushrooms, spinach and sweet potato.
  • Gluten free rolled oats with Proganics plant based protein, a sprinkling of nuts and seeds and a greens drink.
  • Omelette with vegetables and gluten free toast.
  • Boiled eggs with fresh greens and diced organic potatos.

2. Stick to three main meals a day (magic plates)

To avoid overindulging at one meal or having sugary snacks, try to stick to 3 main meals a day. The goal should be to include a form of protein, complex carb, greens and a small amount of healthy fat in each meal.

If you have a carb-heavy meal, such as pasta, then consider choosing a protein and vegetable-heavy dish for your next meal, such as fish with spinach or broccoli.

Do not be afraid to ask for meals to be adapted to your preferences, like substituting mashed potatoes for green vegetables or leaving the dressing off a salad and opting for olive oil instead.

3. Stay hydrated

Our brain often confuses feelings of thirst for hunger. By keeping hydrated, we can avoid snacking unnecessarily. Especially when travelling to a warmer destination, sweating and swimming increase the chances of dehydration.

Whether you are relaxing by the pool or exploring towns and cities, try to keep a bottle of water with you at all times, preferably in the shade! On top of this, aim to have a glass of water with each meal. Sparkling water with fresh lime can be a refreshing alternative to plain water.

4. Indulge in moderation

Holidays are a great opportunity to relax and enjoy yourself, but the key is to try and not overdo it too frequently.

It’s not necessary to completely avoid alcohol and there is nothing wrong with having a glass of wine with your evening meal. However, overindulging in alcohol affects weight gain both directly and indirectly.

If you are going out to a bar, for example, try alternating alcoholic drinks with sparkling water, or have a glass of water beside you to help stay hydrated too. Choosing long drinks is a good way to reduce the alcohol concentration of your drink and make it last longer (e.g. white wine and soda water spritzer or a single vodka and soda in a tall glass). You’ll thank yourself for it the next day too!

Holidays can also trigger habits like having dessert with every meal. This can be difficult to avoid when you are with family or friends, especially children! As with alcohol, there is nothing wrong with occasionally indulging and enjoying your holiday. The important thing is to be mindful of when you really want something and not overindulge just because it is there. Staying hydrated and sticking to 3 magic plates a day will help to reduce the chances of you indulging just because your family and friends are.

When you do want a treat, consider getting a small size or sharing with someone. 

5. Pre-prepare

If you have a long journey to your destination try not to rely on finding suitable snacks at train stations, gas stations, or airports. Preparing healthy snacks in advance means you’ll have something to satisfy your hunger and not be stuck with unhealthy options in cafes or shops. Grab the CLY on the go guide for only $7.77! I include ideas for snacks on the go, dining options on the road and other grocery shopping tips.

6. Keep active

You may find yourself short on time or limited in what is available. Remember that any activity is better than no activity. Try starting your day with a brisk walk or jog, a few laps in a pool (or sea!), or even a quick online yoga class in the comfort of your own accommodation. An easy way to get active is a 10 minute walk after meals.

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