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Balancing Cortisol Levels Naturally

Do you need help balancing cortisol levels?

Knowing the culprits of elevated cortisol makes it easier to take action
in restoring balance. There are additional ways to help balance
cortisol, such as mindful nutrition and supplementation covered in
Coach Dee’s Nourish and Fuel me program.

Here are some great steps to take: 

🧡 Do what you can to reduce your mental stress.

This may look like journaling, meditating, regularly seeing a mental
health professional, doing yoga or joyful forms of exercise (Whatever
YOU enjoy most for exercise), finding a hobby that you enjoy, or
spending more time with uplifting friends. 

🧡 Prioritize your sleep!

Seven to nine hours of sleep is the sweet spot
for feeling most energized, and it even varies within that window from
person to person. Try to get adequate sunlight during the day,
especially full spectrum light first thing in the morning, which
essentially means, open your blinds/curtains first thing after you wake
up to let the sunshine in. Also, ensure your sleeping area is dark at
night to align your body with its natural circadian rhythm. Set a
bedtime reminder and a morning alarm so that you are going to bed
and waking up on a schedule. That way your body will adapt and
expect these, making both much easier. Reducing mental stress may
also help with sleep. 
🧡 Focus on a “magic plate” and avoid foods that increase cortisol production.

Examples of foods that do this are: 
Added sugars (check the “added sugars” part of the nutrition label),  
Refined grains (such as white bread and white rice) 
Saturated fats.  
Foods that can help balance cortisol levels include:  

Dark chocolate (you don’t have to tell us twice!) 
Learn how to choose the best dark chocolate

Organic berries and vegetables, meaning they are as close to their
original, from-the-ground form as possible

Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa and farro)

Fatty fish like tuna and salmon 

Nuts and seeds 

Pro/prebiotic foods such as kimchi, and kombucha 
🧡 Supplement!

Certain supplements can work wonders in bringing your
wellness to the next level.

A few types of supplements that can help
balance cortisol are: 

Adaptogens such as Rhodiola and Ashwagandha. Adaptogens are
powerful herbs that quite literally help your body “adapt” to stressful
situations and respond more calmly, thereby reducing anxiety. 

Omega-3 fatty acids , which are known to improve mood and memory.
Try to get these from food first and foremost! 

Pro- and prebiotics , which can help diversify your gut bacteria and
therefore support your mental well-being. Similar to those omega-3s,
food is your best first source of these. 

Organic herbal teas that promote relaxation such as chamomile,
lavender, and valerian root (especially calming when consumed while
watching your favorite show or reading a good book) 
If you think your cortisol levels may be out of balance, Coach Dee is
here to help you out. She can provide holistic nutritional and lifestyle
support going forward. Imagine feeling increased energy, releasing the
unwanted weight, getting quality sleep and feeling your best. Book an
 exploratory call today!

*Always consult a physician for testing and treatment. Coach Dee partners with physicians to bridge the gaps and provides ongoing support.

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