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Reset Your New Year's Resolutions

goal setting

You've set a New Year's resolution and haven't stuck to it?

While some people love the tradition of a new you each new year, others argue it's a waste of time since most resolutions fail by mid-February. I have helped many people get back on track with their good intentions and succeed. There are some common reasons people fail. There's still hope for your resolutions!

If you want to boost your chances of sticking to your 2023 resolution, behavioral scientists have discovered a host of techniques that can help. These tactics are most useful if you've chosen a goal that's concrete and bite-size. That means you'll want to decide what specific measures to achieve your goal.

Revisit Your Resolution

If you’ve lost track or lost interest in your New Year’s resolution so soon, then perhaps you need to revisit what you’re actually trying to achieve and what you need to do? Was the goal something you wanted to begin with? Did you set it for the right reason? Did you decide to do this for yourself or someone else? If you don’t believe in your personal or health goals, then they will be much harder to achieve. 

Having a coach as the foundation of your goals, will help you follow through with achieving them. They will help you create a new lifestyle, bite size habits, provide accountability, support and generate optimal health.

Joining a like minded community is also an effective way to remain accountable. Doing group workout accountability, healthy habit check ins, sharing ideas especially with friends, can create a friendly, competitive atmosphere where all parties push the others to the limit. This type of accountability not only makes the workout a better experience, but it also creates a deeper connection for those involved, knowing they had someone by their side and were not along during the journey.

It's okay to seek help — sometimes, doing it alone may not be enough. If doing it on your own is not working, look for the support of a caring coach!

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