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Confidently unlock the keys to YOUR optimal health and wellbeing!

Confidently Unlock Optimal Health

As an individual seeking optimal health, it’s up to you to discover what diet and lifestyle suits YOU best. While it may take some extra time and effort, it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Knowledge is power when it comes to your unique body. The more you know yourself physically, the clearer you’ll become mentally and the better you’ll feel emotionally. While personal exploration into your unique needs is a great starting point, enlisting the help of an FDN-P (Coach Dee) can help you go the extra mile.






Studies show that your genetic background has a lot to do with your optimal diet and lifestyle prescription. For instance, if your ancestors are from East Asia, you’re more likely to thrive on a diet high in rice, sea vegetables, and fish. Next, if your ancestors are from South Asia, your digestive system will probably love basmati rice, cooked beans, and curry. On the other hand, someone from Northern Europe might thrive on high-quality dairy. This theory also applies to foods that you have trouble digesting. For example, if dairy wasn’t part of your ancestors’ diets, there’s a good chance that’s why you may also have difficulty tolerating it.


Gut Health

Research claims there are several factors associated with the variation in the community and structure of the gut microbiome. These include:

  • age
  • environmental exposures
  • health status
  • genetics
  • socioeconomic status
  • geography
  • pregnancy
  • exercise
  • antibiotic intake

That said, your diet is among the most important influences on your gut microbiome, as both short- and long-term nutrition habits can alter the state of your gut. Studies also show that individuals we interact with—including family members and pets—can influence our gut health. The degree to which these microbiomes are shared, however, is unknown. Next, when your gut health is compromised, your dietary needs will be different from someone with a stronger stomach. For instance, if you have a leaky gut, you’ll have to keep an eye out to avoid various allergens. In addition, if your gut health is off, it’s important to limit sugar and consume easily digestible food. That could mean eating fewer raw foods and/or avoiding beans and grains until your gut balances out.


Metabolic Type

Metabolism—the rate at which you convert food into energy—is another major aspect of bio-individuality. Knowing this can be helpful when gauging the amount of food your digestive system can process. One theory from nutrition researcher William Wolcott suggests that we fall under one of three metabolic types:

  1. protein type
  2. carbo type
  3. mixed type

First, protein types are considered fast oxidizers, meaning their cells convert food into energy more quickly than carbo types. They thrive on higher protein and higher fat diets. They tend to be hungry more often and thrive on a foods like beef, dark-skin poultry, salmon, cheese, and eggs. Second, carbo types are slow oxidizers and thrive on a diet higher in carbohydrates and lower in proteins, fats, and oils. Finally, mixed types thrives on both types of food. They tend to do well with foods like yogurt, tofu, eggs, and nuts. Still, more studies are needed to make conclusive statements about the efficacy of following metabolic typing to support your bio-individuality. Coach Dee offers sessions specific to this topic.

As an individual seeking optimal health, it’s up to you to discover what keys unlock YOUR best self! While it may take some extra time and effort, it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Curious on where to start? email Coach Dee at [email protected]

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