Confidently Love Yourself

With Coach Dee

Lovingly Navigating Menopause: Empowering Solutions for Weight Gain bio hacking dee davidson menopause menopause symptoms menopause weightloss perimenopause

If you're a woman facing weight struggles during menopause, know that you are not alone. I understand the challenges you're experiencing and want to extend a compassionate hand to guide you towards holistic solutions. Embracing your unique journey and nurturing your hormone health are...

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Signs You Have Hormone Imbalance bio hacking bloated cly fdnp holistic health hormone health hormone imbalance hormone weight gain infertility menopause symptoms pmdd pms unexplained infertility


 What is hormonal imbalance?



Produced by our endocrine glands—the parts of the endocrine system including adrenals, thyroid, pancreas, and female or male reproductive system that communicate with our nervous system—hormones perform essential functions, relay...

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